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Direct Current
Home » Electric Vehicle Charging » Direct Current: Meaning, Types, Working

Direct Current: Meaning, Types, Working

Shreya Agrawal

Updated on Feb 2, 2024 | 6 min read



In electric vehicles, we understand that it requires both AC and DC for charging. Now, let’s understand in this blog what DC or Direct Current is and the technical aspect of the DC current.

What is Direct Current?

DC, or Direct Current, is a type of electric current that flows consistently in one direction. In DC circuits, electrons move from a negative charge area to a positive charge area without changing direction, unlike in alternating current circuits, where the current reverses direction periodically.

Definition of Direct Current

Direct Current is the flow of electric charge that maintains a consistent direction over time.

History of Direct Current

The history of direct current began in 1800 when Italian physicist Alessandro Volta invented the Voltaic pile, producing the first DC. In the early 1800s, André-Marie Ampère proposed the flow of DC from positive to negative. Later, in 1832, Hippolyte Pixii’s first dynamo electric generator generated alternating current. Power stations emerged in the late 1870s and early 1880s, initially using high-voltage DC or AC for arc lighting. Thomas Edison’s introduction of low-voltage DC for indoor lighting in 1882 spurred competition with AC. However, AC gained prominence due to its advantages with transformers for longer transmission distances. In the mid-1950s, high-voltage DC transmission emerged as an alternative. Today, AC dominates power delivery, with DC reserved for specific applications such as undersea cables and certain rail systems.

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Working of Direct Current

Direct current operates by maintaining a constant flow of electric charge in one direction. It is generated through various means:


  • Batteries: Chemical reactions within a battery create a voltage difference between its terminals, causing electrons to flow from the negative terminal to the positive terminal, establishing a direct current.
  • Generators: DC generators convert mechanical energy into electrical energy by rotating a coil within a magnetic field.

Flow of Electrons

Electrons, negatively charged particles, move from the negative terminal (cathode) to the positive terminal (anode) through an external circuit.

Load Utilisation

The flow of electrons powers electrical devices such as lights, motors, and electronic gadgets connected in the circuit.

Principle of Direct Current

The fundamental principle behind generating direct current involves creating a voltage potential that initiates a continuous flow of electric charge. This can be achieved through processes like chemical reactions in batteries or the movement of coils in a magnetic field in generators.

In a DC circuit, electric charge consistently flows in one direction. This steady flow is governed by Ohm’s Law (V=IR), where voltage (V), current (I), and resistance (R) are interconnected. DC finds applications in various fields, including electronics, automotive systems, and renewable energy. It serves as the foundation for electric motors, where the continuous current flow generates mechanical movement.

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Components of DC Circuit

A DC circuit consists of several key components that work together to facilitate the flow of direct current:

  • Power Source: Provides initial electrical energy; common sources include batteries and DC generators.
  • Conductors: Materials like wires or cables allow the flow of electric charge with low resistance.
  • Load: Consumes electrical energy for specific tasks; examples include light bulbs, motors, and electronic devices.
  • Switches: Control flow of current; can be opened to interrupt or closed to allow current passage.
  • Resistors: Impede current flow; regulate current in different parts of the circuit.
  • Capacitors: Store electrical energy as an electric field; used for voltage smoothing and short-term energy storage.
  • Diodes: Semiconductor devices allowing current flow in one direction; used for AC to DC conversion and reverse current protection.
  • Inductors: Store energy as a magnetic field with current flow; resist changes in current and use in filtering and energy storage applications.

How to Measure DC Current?

To measure DC current, a multimeter is used. It is connected in series with the load being measured.

The black probe (COM) of the multimeter is connected to the negative terminal of the battery, while the positive test (red probe) is connected to the load. The positive terminal of the battery is also connected to the load.

Types of DC

DC circuits can be categorised into three main types based on how components are connected: parallel DC circuits, series DC circuits, and series-parallel DC circuits.

Parallel DC Circuit:

  • Components are connected in parallel branches, providing multiple paths for electric current.
  • Each component has the same voltage across its terminals, but the current through each branch can vary.
  • The total current entering a parallel circuit is the sum of the currents through each branch.
  • Components operate independently, so if one fails, the others continue to function.
  • Commonly used in household wiring and electronic devices.

Series DC Circuit:

  • Components are connected in a single pathway, creating a sequential flow of current.
  • All components experience the same current, and the total resistance is the sum of individual resistances.
  • The voltage drop across each component is proportional to its resistance.
  • If one component fails, it disrupts the entire circuit, causing current flow to cease.
  • It is found in simple lighting circuits and in devices where precise control of current is required.

Series-Parallel DC Circuit:

  • Combines both series and parallel configurations, offering flexibility and complexity.
  • Some components are connected in series, while others are connected in parallel.
  • Allows for more varied designs to meet specific requirements.
  • The current flow remains constant through series components, while it may vary in parallel branches.
  • The failure of one branch or component does not affect the operation of others.
  • Often used in complex electrical and electronic systems, providing a balance between simplicity and functionality.

Advantages of Direct Current

The advantages of Direct Current are:

  • Stability: Provides a consistent flow of electric charge in a single direction, ideal for applications requiring predictable power.
  • Compatibility with Electronics: Suited for electronic devices like semiconductors and microelectronics, eliminating the need for additional conversion.
  • Efficiency in Storage: Aligns with the operation of energy storage systems such as batteries.
  • Low Transmission Losses: Offers lower transmission losses in certain situations, like high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission.
  • Control: Allows precise control over voltage levels, suitable for applications requiring stable and controlled power.
  • DC Motors: Widely used for their simplicity, controllability, and suitability for various applications, including electric vehicles.

Disadvantages of Direct Current

The disadvantages of DC Current are:

  • Transmission Difficulties: Long-distance transmission faces challenges due to the need for costly converter stations.
  • Conversion Requirements: It often requires conversion to AC for long-distance transmission, leading to energy losses.
  • Complex Voltage Regulation: Achieving precise voltage regulation can be complex and may require additional components.
  • Electrolysis Concerns: This may lead to electrolysis in certain conditions and cause corrosion, especially in marine applications.
  • Limited Generation Sources: Many power generation methods produce AC, which necessitates additional conversion steps for DC applications.

Applications of Direct Current

Direct Current has various applications listed below:

  • Electronics: DC is used to power electronic devices such as smartphones, laptops, and digital cameras.
  • Telecommunications: It provides power for communication systems, including telephones, routers, and modems.
  • Automotive: It powers various components in vehicles, such as lights, radios, and ignition systems.
  • Renewable Energy: It is used in photovoltaic systems to convert solar energy into electricity.
  • Battery Charging: It charges batteries for portable devices, electric vehicles, and backup power systems.
  • Welding: It is used in welding machines for joining metals in manufacturing and construction.
  • Electroplating: It is used to apply a thin layer of metal onto a surface for decoration or protection.
  • Railway Systems: It powers trains and signalling systems in railway transportation.
  • Aerospace: It provides power for avionics and other electrical systems in aircraft and spacecraft.
  • Research and Laboratory Equipment: It powers instruments and experimental setups in scientific research.


When an electric vehicle battery degrades over time, its performance gradually diminishes before reaching a point where the vehicle stops working entirely. This degradation is noticeable as the battery’s capacity decreases by 20 to 30% at the end of its service life. As the battery deteriorates with each charge-discharge cycle, it becomes unsuitable for powering the vehicle. If the battery dies while driving, the car will gradually slow down and stop, necessitating attention and roadside assistance.