Tata Power EZ charge Review | Best EV Charger Out There?
Tata Power EZ charge Review | Best EV Charger Out There? By H. Karan Kumar Share: [Sassy_Social_Share] Tata EV Charging Station: Like the Electric cars market, “Tata” dominates in the EV charger market. India has more than 12,000+ (12,146 to be precise) active EV chargers installed in India, and Tata Power alone has a 60% […]
What is EV Auto charge? How it’s the future of E-Vehicles

What is EV Auto charge? How it’s the future of E-Vehicles H. Karan Kumar Share [Sassy_Social_Share] In electric vehicles (EVs), “charging” is transforming. Thanks to technological advancements, charging your EV is becoming more straightforward and convenient. This blog post will introduce you to the concept of Autocharge, a groundbreaking feature that is reshaping the EV […]
भारत में टॉप 10 ईवी चार्जिंग स्टेशन फ्रेंचाइजी: निवेश, लागत और लाभ

भारत में ईवी चार्जिंग स्टेशनों कि ग्रोथ एको-फ़्रेंडली यात्रा की दिशा में एक महत्वपूर्ण कदम है। इलेक्ट्रिक कारें चार्जिंग स्टेशनों पर रिचार्ज होती हैं, जिससे वे फिरसे यात्रा के लिए तैयार होती है। चूंकि ईवी का उपयोग करने वालों कि संख्या बढ़ रही है, चार्जिंग स्टेशन शुरू करना एक अच्छा बिजनस आइडीअ है। यह न […]
EV Solar Charging Station – Setup cost, & Future Prospects

Using electricity usually involves fossil fuels, which can negatively affect the environment. Transitioning to electric cars and EVs may not fully achieve the goal of becoming more sustainable and eco-friendly. But here’s the thing: solar-powered charging stations for electric cars are changing that. They’re like eco-friendly fuel stations using the sun. Studies show that making […]
Too many charging Apps, RFID cards, & wallets! 1C EV CMS launches No APP CMS for EV owners.

Too many charging Apps, RFID cards, & wallets! 1C EV CMS launches No APP CMS for EV owners. While the availability of EV chargers remains the biggest issue for EV owners, for EV owners who get access to EV chargers, payment remains the next more significant pain point. Due to the launch of multiple CPOs […]
EV Battery Standardisation is Finally Here, Big Win for EVs.

The EV Standardization has been the most significant missing part of the EV industry—standardisation in chargers, EV batteries, charging connectors, standard payment gateway, and much more. The government has released new standards for the batteries. The Central Electricity Authority (CEA) has new ideas for integrating electric vehicles with the power grid. They proposed measures for […]
IOCL invests 125 crores in Okaya EV Charger, 2500+ Chargers.

IOCL invests 125 crores in Okaya EV Charger, 2500+ Chargers. Harshit Belwal Updated on Jul 23, 2023 | 6 min read Share [Sassy_Social_Share] Okaya Group’s primary business was in making and selling batteries. Still, as the market evolved and demand shifted, they diversified their business operations and ventured into various other businesses. Now, they’ve recalibrated […]
EV charger cost in India | AC & DC fast charger cost – 2023

EV charger cost in India | AC & DC fast charger cost – 2023 Harshit Belwal Updated on Jul 23, 2023 | 6 min read Share [Sassy_Social_Share] Introduction: Currently, we are at 1.1% EV adoption in India, and yet we are witnessing a massive demand from EV owners for charging stations; the most significant problem […]
E-Rickshaw maker Terra Motors to Make EV chargers in India.

Most companies are focused on building the charging infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles that require big batteries but very few are addressing the surging demand for electric two and three-wheelers. Terra Motors is one of such few companies that’s focused on deploying low-power EV chargers that primarily focus on electric 2-wheelers and 3-wheelers. Terra Motors is […]
Altigreen to spike E-rickshaw Charging Stations in India.

Altigreen to spike E-rickshaw Charging Stations in India. Harshit Belwal Updated on Jul 23, 2023 | 6 min read Share [Sassy_Social_Share] India took the E-rickshaw revolution a very long way and in the upcoming years, this market is projected to grow by 11% of CAGR. This growth includes public e-rickshaws and commercial electric loaders. Now […]