You are currently viewing Government incentives and subsidies for making Charging Station in India.

Government incentives and subsidies for making Charging Station in India.

The Indian government has introduced various incentives and subsidies to promote the setup of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across the country. This is a crucial step to enable faster adoption of EVs by ensuring accessible and affordable EV charging facilities.

Along with the Government push EV charging providers like “1C Charging” are enabling masses to set up EV chargers at a very affordable price. Our customers reported outstanding results installing 1C Charging points at their homes, workplaces, charging stations, and for various other applications. With our services and products, we are creating seamless, affordable, and easy-to-adopt EV charging infrastructure.

Government incentives and subsidies for Charging Station:

> Faster Regulatory Approvals:

  • Setting up public EV charging stations is now a de-licensed activity. Any individual or company can set up charging stations if they meet laid down technical standards.
  • Charging station operators can get priority electricity connections from distribution companies.

> Financial Subsidies:

  • Subsidies on electricity tariffs – EV charging stations pay electricity tariffs capped at Average Cost of Supply + 15%. This is cheaper than commercial tariffs.
  • Subsidies on chargers – The government provides upfront subsidies on chargers under the FAME scheme. Slow chargers get a subsidy of Rs 10,000 each while fast chargers get Rs 1 lakh subsidy.
  • Subsidized land rates – State governments can allot land at subsidized rates to set up charging stations. Some states provide land at just 10-20% of market rates.

> Preferential Treatment:

  • Charging stations get preference in getting electricity connections from discoms compared to other commercial establishments.
  • Public sector oil marketing companies like IOCL and HPCL have been directed to allow setting up charging stations at their petrol pumps on priority.

> Other Support:

  • State electricity boards have been directed to facilitate and streamline regulatory approvals for EV charging infrastructure.

The guidelines provide for a database of all public charging stations to be maintained to allow for monitoring and dissemination of information.

Read official Document Here: Official Document

Monitoring and Information Support

A national online database of all public charging stations is being maintained by the Central Electricity Authority through distribution companies to allow for monitoring and dissemination of information regarding locations, charger types, timings, etc. State electricity boards have also been directed to streamline and facilitate regulatory approvals required for setting up charging infrastructure.

The comprehensive incentives and subsidies make a compelling case for companies and startups looking to enter the EV charging infrastructure space in India. With rising EV adoption, charging stations are the need of the hour and government support improves the viability of private investments.